Since I’m still learning how to use WordPress, I might as well go to WordCamp. If you want to know how to blog and develop your blog, this might just be your answer. Come and join me! Limited attendance. Registration is $25.
I copied the following information from
WordCamp is a 2-day conference for WordPress users and developers. The first day will focus on how to be a better blogger, the second on the development and future of WordPress.
When? 7/21-7/22, 2007
Where? Swedish American Hall, San Francisco CA
Cost? Twenty-five dollars, with scholarships available.
Why? To get WordPress users together, learn from each other, figure out the future of publishing on the web, and have a good time.
We’ve tried to mix it up a little this year, with the first day focusing primarily on user topics and the second day primarily on developer topics, but we also think there’s a lot of overlap.
Cool note: Every single speaker is a WordPress user.
Saturday 7/21 Schedule
9:30 AM Registration and Coffee
10 AM Podcasting
Dan Kuykendall, author of PodPress
11 AM Blogs vs. Journalism
John C. Dvorak and Om Malik
12 PM Sandwich Lunch
1 PM Kicking Ass Content Connections
Lorelle VanFossen
2 PM Blog Monetization
Jeremy Wright, b5media
3 PM Getting Involved with WordPress
Lloyd Budd and Mark Jaquith
4 PM Designing the Obvious
Robert Hoekman, Jr.
5 PM Whitehat SEO tips for Bloggers
Matt Cutts, Google
Evening Drinks at TBD location
Sunday 7/22 Schedule
9:30 AM Registration and Coffee
10 AM HyperDB and High Performance WordPress
Barry Abrahamson and Matt Mullenweg
11 AM Iterative Design in Agile Environments
Rashmi Sinha, Ph.D.
12 PM BBQ Lunch
1:15 PM Musical Interlude
Andy Skelton
1:30 PM Past, Present, and Future of Web Publishing
Dave Winer
2:30 PM Usability Analysis of WP
Liz Danzico, Happy Cog
3:30 State of the Word
Matt Mullenweg
4:30 Developer Duke-out
Michael Adams, Ryan Boren, Mark Jaquith, Andy Skelton, et al
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