Category: WordPress-Related
Video – Barry Schwartz: The Paradox of Choice (a.k.a. when an abundance of choices makes you miserable)
I am what-people-in-the-blogosphere-call an emerging Filipina blogger in the Filipino American community. Right now, I am reviewing my WordCamp 2007 notes for WordPress users. Robert Hoekman, Jr. had spoken about “Designing The Obvious” on Day One of WordCamp 2007 so I decided to visit his website, a sacred space where I could educate myself about…
Day One at Word Camp 2007 in San Francisco
I’m getting ready to go to Word Camp 2007, Day Two. Before I hop into the beautiful F-Line streetcar here at Fisherman’s Wharf, let me share some thoughts with you. [And if you’re reading this before I can provide the necessary links, wait for the edits.] Question: What happens when a marketing, public relations, and…