A couple of months ago, my nephew (the son of my late brother, Reuben Lardizabal), Jose Daniel (or Dan), and I were chatting via yahoo messenger about Timothy Ferriss. Dan was quite enthused about “The 4-Hour WorkWeek” by Timothy Ferriss, explaining to me about some of the principles that he learned from the book. I finally got the chance to buy my own book last Saturday while waiting for my plane at the San Francisco International Airport. What I didn’t expect was this book would become my “sanity companion” during the more-than-24-hours I waited for my plane.
It is 2008 — and Timothy Ferriss is only 31 years old and living the life of the New Rich (or RH, as he calls it). I have finished half of the book and I am convinced that he has given my right brain some of the answers I have been looking for.
For instance, I am a slave to my e-mails, responding to them promptly. Nothing wrong with that except that by 5:00 p.m., I realize that I haven’t finished my priorities of the day because I was so involved and dedicated in answering my e-mails. I also check my blackberry once every few minutes. With some of Tim’s sage advice, I have resolved to free up my time so I can work on the more productive activities in my life that provide abundance. This means that I’ve resolved to dedicate two time slots, one in the morning, and one in the late afternoon, to answering all my e-mails. So, if you hear me saying “No!” more often when I would normally say “yes,” please don’t take it personally. I want to be able to be of service to many people who deserve my talents and skills BUT I have to take better care of myself first.
I’m still finishing this book — which really speaks a language I understand. I’m more forgiving now since I haven’t beaten myself up for all the unproductive mistakes I’ve made in my life. “Focus on the critical few,” Timothy Ferriss says.
Here are some videos I found about Timothy Ferriss. I can really see that he is truly living the life of “The New Rich.” We can then compare notes when you read his book and apply some of the principles he believes in.
From masterlock77 at YouTube.com, showing the highlights of The 4-Hour WorkWeek program:
From masterlock77 at Youtube.com, at a press meeting:
From masterlock77 at YouTube.com, from a TV interview:
Tim Ferriss and a sample of his lifestyle: Surviving a Physical Attack: Chokes
Tim Ferriss and his World Travel Packing Tips:
Tim Ferriss and How to Tie the Perfect Tie… Every Time:
And here’s a bonus — What Every American Needs to Know (and Do) About FISA, aka Federal Information and Surveillance Act, Today — an interview Tim Ferriss had with Daniel Ellsberg, famous for releasing the Pentagon Papers.
For more about Timothy Ferriss, check out his website, FourHourWorkWeek.com.
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